Two weekends ago, a fellow photographer and I left little old Dahlgren VA and drove up to Arlington and spent the day at
The Hilton diving into the world of lighting, creativity, styling, post-processing and many more things that all add up to A LOT of "fashion flair", as
Lindsay Adler calls it. Lindsay took the afternoon to walk us through a few different ways to talk to you, the client, to help you know exactly what we need from a photo shoot and that way you will be more confident in the brand that we are offering and showing you.
Lou Freeman spent the morning making sure we knew how to set up our lighting, the different ways to make the effects make you look better. I am ready to be able to use all the knowledge they sent my way and start applying it to my everyday photography. I look forward to making your dreams become reality. I invite you to have the photo shoot of your dreams. If you have an idea and you want to run it by me please don't hesitate, I really want to go above and beyond for you. Just let me know what I can do for you to make it happen.

I just adored this model, everything about her, the natural beauty that she had, how fun she was to work with made the afternoon so much easier and less awkward. I love that these shots prove that when make up is applied properly and evenly there is really no need for re-touching. These images are SOOC (cropped straight out of the camera). Thanks so much for the talent behind all of these staged photo-shoots- the models, hair and make up and the lighting team over at the Looking Fabulous Tour with Lindsay Adler and Lou Freeman, I look forward to sharing a few more images from the day in the next part of the blog post. Until then don't forget to look at our
Facebook page and leave a comment here or there!